Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brandon Neely, Guantánamo Guard, Reunites With Former Prisoners

The main story is at the BBC, "Guantanamo Guard Reunited With Ex-Inmates." And surprise, surprise, surprise, the New York Times pumps it up, "Guantánamo Reunion, by Way of BBC."

My first was perhaps there was some kind of genuine human interest angle here. But a look around shows that Brandon Neely, the former Guantánamo guard and now hip brother to Muslim Brotherhood types, is a useful idiot to the neo-communist left. See Sparks From the Anvil, "What's Next? A Television Sit-Com?" And from a Soldier's Perspective:

Here's the point of my disrespectful attitude towards Neely: He got good men killed, period! The actions at Gitmo directly contributed to an insurgency with a new purpose to avenge those detainees who were abused at the camp. Just like Abu Ghraib, these Soldiers should have been charged with 2nd degree murder and hung publicly. At the very least, they should be imprisoned with a burly redneck named Bubba whose best friend was a goat on the outside. They got my friends killed because they weren't men enough to stand up for what's right when faced with a moral delemma.

Now we have idiots like Rachel Maddow (who hates the military anyway) broadcasting his cause without questioning him on his own actions! It's a media that failed to do its job in telling the whole story!

Again, for the sake of illiterates like Neely who couldn't comprehend the simple precepts of my last post blasting him, I'm not denying that abuses took place at all. What I'm saying is that these issues were addressed as soon as they became evident that Soldiers weren't doing their job! The entire camp got a bad rap because of girly men like Neely who didn't have the balls to stand up for his values. And, again, I hold Brandon Neely directly responsible for the deaths of my brothers and sisters in arms in 2003-2004 when this became public.
Also, This Ain't Hell, "Guantanamo Ex-Guards Report Hearsay."

The video's are care of "
Stop Canadian Complicity in Torture," so you get the idea on who's supporting this idiot Neely.

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