Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Final Brown/Coakley Debate in Massachusetts

Neo-Neocon has the a short video clip, "Can Mr. Brown go to Washington?":
In case you missed the money quote, Scott Brown said:
With all due respect, it’s not the Kennedy seat and it’s not the Democrats’ seat, it’s the people’s seat.
Also, at Politico, "Final Debate Marks Mass. Stretch Run":

Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown faced off over health care, the war on terror and abortion during Monday night’s final televised debate in the Massachusetts special Senate election.

With the vote to fill the remainder of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s (D-Mass.) seat just one week away, the race has popped up on the nation’s political radar screen as tighter than expected. While some recent polls have indicated Brown neck-and-neck, others, including internal Democratic surveys, have shown Coakley ahead by a comfortable margin in a race she has been heavily favored to win.

Health care and economic issues took up nearly half of the hour-long debate, held at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. Brown continued to push his candidacy as one that would give the GOP the votes needed to stop the current health care reform bill in the Senate, saying he would be proud to be the 41st vote needed to uphold a filibuster and arguing for state-level reforms like Massachusetts has enacted. “We will be subsidizing what other states have failed to do,” if a national plan is passed, Brown said.
Also, Fred Bauer's got a nice take on some of the polling controversies. (Via Memeorandum.)

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