Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fire Peter Orszag!

During campaign 2008, Barack Obama made a major Father's Day speech, arguing that "too many fathers are MIA":

And as president, Obama released a major Father's Day statement this year, "Barack Obama's Official Fathers Day Proclamation":
As kids grow and mature, they look to their dad for a special kind of love and support. Providing these necessities can bring great happiness.

Fatherhood also brings great responsibilities. Fathers have an obligation to help rear the children they bring into the world. Children deserve this care, and families need each father's active participation.

Fathers must help teach right from wrong and instill in their kids the values that sustain them for a lifetime.
Given the president's strong commitment to healthy families and his statements on the importance of the fathers in child development, it's certainly incongruous -- and actually downright scandalous -- that Peter Orszag, the administration's Director of OMB, is in the news for abandoning the mother of his third child, to wed the hot ABC News correspondent Bianna Golodryga.

The New York Times
has a report, with Orzag's statement on the matter:
We were in a committed relationship until the spring of 2009. In November, Claire gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Although we are no longer together, we are both thrilled that she is happy and healthy, and we would hope that everyone will respect her privacy.
That's awfully skimpy. Who's supporting that baby? Is his ex-lover, New York-based venture capitalist Claire Milonas, planning to marry, or raise the child alone? And most of all, it's reported that Orszag bailed on Milonas precisely as she became aware she was three-months pregnant. What kind of man is this, who bails out on a baby on the way? That's simply not a good record of "family values" at the top levels of the West Wing offices.

Of course, this kind of administration hypocrisy is par for the course. But if a Republican budget director had a "
love child," the attack masters of the media-industrial complex would be mercilessly calling for heads to roll ...

ADDED: At the Other McCain, "Orzag’s Bastard."

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