Thursday, January 7, 2010

Governor Schwarzenegger: State of the State Address, 2010

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered his "State of the State" address last night in Sacramento:

The text is here. I didn't pay attention to California politics yesterday (as noted here). Although Theo Spark's cartoon probably says it all, in any case:

RELATED: From the Los Angeles Times, "Governor's Call for Giving Colleges Priority Over Prisons Faces Hard Political Tests."

At the center of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's State of the State speech Wednesday was a proposal that outside of Sacramento might seem like common sense: Mandate that the state invest more dollars each year in its public universities than in locking people up in prison.

But to many inside the Capitol, that idea appears all but unattainable.

The plan -- and the reaction to it -- highlights the disconnect between the priorities of voters and the reality of the state's shattered finances and a policymaking process that often seems byzantine ....

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