Friday, January 15, 2010

Heidi Montag's Plastic Surgery

I was genuinely shocked, seriously, when I saw my wife's People Magazine this morning. We traveled to Fresno today and I read the cover story in the van, "Heidi Montag: Addicted to Plastic Surgery."

Not being a regular viewer of MTV reality shows, I first heard of Montag after she endorsed John McCain for the presidency in 2008. I posted her picture as a "Rule 5" entry last June. And I even watched a couple of reruns of The Hills with my oldest boy. But, nothing special? She's attractive, for sure, but I doubt she has much talent. Perhaps that's why she's literally lost her mind with this so-called "addiction" to plastic surgery.

The story at
People just gives you a couple of teaser paragraphs. But according to my wife's hard-copy, Montag had ten procedures done in a single 10-hour surgical session. The operations included the following procedures:

"Mini Brow Lift."
"Botox in Forehead and Frown Area."
"Nose Job Revision."
"Fat Injections in Cheeks, Nasolabial Folds and Lips"
"Chin Reduction."
"Neck Liposuction."
"Ears Pinned Back."
"Breast Augmentation Revision."
"Liposuction on Waist, Hips and Inner and Outer Thighs."
"Bottock Augmentation."
Wanting to get it done in one massive makeover jamboree, Montag was unable to walk after the procedures. This is how she explains her initial recovery at the interview:

After surgery they took me in an ambulance to Serenity After Care, a recovery center in Santa Monica. I was there for five days, and then I got to go home. The first day being back was really hard. I asked Spencer [Pratt, her husband] to cover all the mirrors in the house because I didn't want to fixate on what I looked like then. And I felt bad that he had to even look at me. I looked like I had been hit by a bus. I was a purple, swollen mush -- I didn't look human! It was so scary. I could hardly move. Couldn't even walk. And my back was black and blue and purple. It was more traumatizing just seeing it than even feeling it really. When I had a nurse come over so I could bathe, the first time the water touched me, I freaked out. I just felt so fragile.
Heidi Montag is just 23 years old. She says at the interview that she plans many more surgeries, including more breast augmentation. She may be a bit unbalanced, but she's completely honest about her motives:

People can say whatever they want, but I'm the one living in my skin. I'm the one in this cut-throat industry. Every starlet is getting surgery every other day to keep their looks up. They just don't talk about it. I wanted to be honest. For me, this was a personal choice.
The People links is here: "Heidi Montag: Addicted to Plastic Surgery."

Cover Image Credit: The Superficial, "
Heidi Montag or Barbie With a Circulatory System?"

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