Saturday, January 2, 2010

The 'Glutes of Steel' Award

I missed yesterday's award entry from Doug Ross, "The 2009 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards." And I had to laugh at this: "The 'Glutes of Steel' Award for Mocking Andrew Sullivan goes to: IowaHawk."

I was thinking earlier that Sullivan's buffoonery's now been overshadowed by Charles Johnson's. But Sully still comes in for a pretty good slam here and there, for example, from
Glenn Reynolds yesterday (responding to a Daily Dish post attacking Instapundit without linking):

The more you argue that way — and the more you make it all about your self-satisfied sense of moral superiority — the less persuasive you are. Which, by now, has made you pretty damned unpersuasive indeed.
Glenns' responding to Sullivan's hysterical entry, "How Cheney Made America A Torture Nation." And clicking one of Instapundit's links to previous interations, we find this:

HMM, AGAIN: I’m not sure what Andrew Sullivan means by this post, in which he incompletely quotes my post here.

Perhaps he’d care to address the (omitted) quote from the Times debate about Nancy Pelosi and other leading Democrats endorsing waterboarding? Well,
all kinds of people were endorsing torture back then and have later changed their tune, though Barack Obama was still sounding iffy last Fall. I, on the other hand, have always opposed torture — even when it got me compared to Mike Dukakis, — and even back in the fall of 2001. But, as I said a number of times, I think the subject has been turned into a partisan weapon — ignoring the pro-torture stands of many Democrats (and see this, too) — and that’s made me suspicious of the motives of those pushing it. In Andrew’s case, it may cause some people to forget how vigorously he supported the Iraq War, and George W. Bush, for a while, until his interests turned to gay marriage, and going after Republicans, but not so much Democrats, on this issue. Some people still remember.
Check the links there as well ...

GLUTES BACKGROUND: Richard Goldstein,"
The Real Andrew Sullivan Scandal: His Private Life Is None of Our Business. His Public Life Certainly Is," and Richard Kim, "Andrew Sullivan, Overexposed."

RELATED: Christopher Badeaux, "
Through the Looking Glass With Andrew Sullivan."

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