Saturday, January 16, 2010

'The People's Rally' for Scott Brown!

From Scott Brown's Twitter and Facebook, "The People's Rally - Scott Brown For US Senate":

Please join us Sunday January 17th for The People's Rally for Scott Brown in Worcester at 3:00 pm at Mechanics Hall. The momentum continues to build for Scott Brown as we head into the final 72 hours of the campaign.

Let's show them that not even a Presidential visit can slow us down. Martha Coakley has a launched one of the nastiest negative campaigns in history. She is counting on this Presidential visit to help save her failing campaign.

President Obama, Martha Coakley, and the Democrat’s powerful political machine know that the choice we will make on Tuesday, January 19th will send a powerful message to the big-spenders, bigger government politicians in Washington. We need to show them that we want Scott Brown as our next US Senator and not another rubber stamp for their big government agenda.

Join us so we can let them know that they need to quit expanding our government and defending wasteful spending, and start expanding this economy and defending our jobs.


Mechanics Hall
321 Main Street Worcester, MA
Doors open at 3:00 PM –Rally Begins at 3:30 PM
See also, Politico, "Enthusiasm Gap in Mass. Senate Race" (via Memeorandum).

RELATED: The Blog Prof, "
Report from the Macomb GOP Phone Bank for Scott Brown (R-MA)."

IMAGE CREDIT: Atlas Shrugs, "
Four More Days of Fascist Rule: Save America GO Brown."

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