Saturday, February 13, 2010

Amy Bishop Charged With Murder in Huntsville University Shooting

My post last night on Amy Bishop struck a nerve. You can see Femme Patriot's awesome tweet below, and Free Republic's got a running comment thread on it.

Memeorandum has the New York Times report, but see the Huntsville Times, "Amy Bishop Charged With Murder in UAH Shooting":

UAH professor Dr. Amy Bishop has been charged with murder in connection with a deadly shooting that killed three people and injured three more Friday afternoon.

Huntsville police chief said Bishop was charged Saturday morning on three counts of capital murder in the first degree and three counts of assault in the first degree.
The Blog Prof has lots more, "Going Professorial? Alabama Biology Professor Goes on Shooting Rampage Killing 3 After Being Denied Tenure." But see also James Joyner, "Amy Bishop, UAH Prof, Kills Three After Denied Tenure" (emphasis added):
It’s always baffling to me when people try to politicize random tragedies — usually while they’re breaking news stories with little real information. At first blush, Bishop would seem to be extremely bright — a Harvard-trained neuroscientist doing cutting edge work — but with some serious psychological issues. My natural tendency in these mass murder situations is to write the shooters off as mentally ill but the seeming premeditation and obvious revenge motives against the victims would seem contrary evidence.

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