Saturday, February 6, 2010

Andrew Breitbart Slams Media at Nashville Tea Party Convention!

From Gateway Pundit, "Andrew Breitbart at National Tea Party Convention to Media: “It’s Not Your Business Model That Sucks, It’s You That Sucks” (Video):

Transcript from Newsbusters, "Breitbart to Media at Tea Party Convention: 'It's Not Your Business Model That Sucks, It's You That Sucks!'":
When I watched Contessa Brewer on MSNBC raise the question whether or not a protest was racist in which she showed a man have his gun around his chest and his holster. MSNBC did an entire discussion on are these protests, these gun-wielding freaks, are they racist. Does everybody here know what happened with that photo where they cut the head off? That was an African-American gentleman. That my friends is not media bias. That is contempt for the American people.

In order to create the perception that the minority is the majority and the majority is not just the minority, but a bad, racist, homophobic, all those buzzwords that they learned in the freshman orientation class at Wesleyan, are used as weapons to try to destroy you and intimidate you to not speak up and to speak your mind. And your days of doing this are over. It's not your business model that sucks, it's you that sucks.
Also, from the Los Angeles Times, "Tea Party Convention Opens With Speakers Slamming Mainstream Media."

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