Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Burying Murtha

The post-Murtha congressional jockeying started to heat up even before Murtha got cold. Folks are eyeing their partisan chances in the special election (see,"Fight Shapes Up for Murtha's Seat"). And then there's talk about the impact of the loss for legislative passage. Philip Klein has this, for example: "How Murtha's Death Could Make It Harder to Pass a Health Care Bill" (via Memeorandum).

I was respectful yesterday of Murtha's family, but my good friend
Ken Davenport had a hard time restraining himself:

You are much more charitable than I, Donald. Murtha was corrupt ethically and despite his Vietnam service, proved himself to be a shill for the anti-war crowd at a time when American troops were in daily combat in Iraq. I make no distinction between Murtha and Harry Reid and his "the war is lost" comments. Murtha was no patriot. Sorry to say this but my feeling is "good riddance".

Image Credit: IOWNTHEWORLD, "Obama Bids Murtha Goodbye."

RELATED: Left Coast Rebel, "
Obama Eulogizes Woman Buried in an Obama T-Shirt, 'She Insisted She's Going to be Buried in an Obama T-Shirt'."

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