Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feministing: 'Fetuses Are Not People'

From NewsReal, "Spotlight on Leftist Feminist Thinking: Don’t Acknowledge Fetuses!":

Apparently, the mere acknowledgment of a fetus is a big no-no to some militant Feminists. Enough of a no-no, that one had to post about it in the community forum of, a hot bed of predictable Feminist shrieking and cognitive dissonance.

A Yahoo sportswriter committed the horrid politically incorrect faux-pas of writing the following about a pregnant member of the Canadian Women’s Curling team:

As with all curling teams, Team Canada features five members. Well, six, if you really want to get technical with it.

Alternate Kristie Moore, 30, is 5½ months pregnant, making her just the third athlete known to be with child during Olympic competition.

Huh. There doesn’t seem to be anything rage-worthy in those sentences, does there? Not if you are, you know, sane. However, as Jill Stanek noticed, if you are a militant feminist, it’s a different story. A member of’s community posted about it (I picture her taking a break from scrawling madly in her manifesto to post it, all furious and furrowed brow-y) and said the following:

Thank you, Chris Chase at Yahoo! Sports for perpetuating the myth that fetuses are people and that they are capable of Olympic curling.

Sigh. Sure, this was posted only in their community section, but it is imperative that we remember this is how some pro-abortion (as opposed to pro-choice) zealots actually think. Everything, I mean everything, is agenda driven. It’s not about women or children; it’s about radical ideology at the expense of everything and everyone else. Even life.

I find enough contempt for these people, but that's the radical left for you.

Photo Credit: Hand of Hope:

During a procedure to correct spina bifida while still in the womb, Samuel Alexander Armas, a fetus at twenty-one weeks, reached out. As Dr. Joseph P. Bruner reached and gently lifted the hand, Samuel reacted and squeezed tightly.

Twenty-one weeks is almost exactly 5½ months. Full story is here.

Always. Protect. Life.

Added Links: Blazing Cat Fur, "Random Furballs... For a Thursday Evening,"WyBlog, "It's Time for Another Round of the FMJRA Linkfest of Champions."

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