Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ideal Conditions for San Bernardino Ski Resorts

That's my new friend Opus #6 skiing with her family, at Snow Summit, in the San Bernardino mountains. I can't remember the last time I went skiing up there!

And I wondered why I missed Opus at the Chuck DeVore rally!

One thing I used to tell folks about SoCal is how we used to surf in the morning, skateboard in the afternoon, and then go night skiing at the local resorts. Actually, I think I only did that once or twice (that's a lot in one day), but it makes a great tale for out-of-staters on the paradise life for us here in the Golden State!

Be sure to bookmark Opus' page as well. She's an awesome conservative mom!

See also, the San Bernardino Sun, "Ideal Conditions for SB Mountain Ski Resorts, Businesses."

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