Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Keith Olbermann's Plantation: 'Ask Yourself - Where Are the Black Faces?'

I'm really glad I happened to catch this video, c/o Bruce Miller at The Blue Voice and Blue Texan at Firedoglake. With every passing day I'm more and more convinced that President Barack Obama has worsened race relations in this country. It's something I've written about quite a bit, while rebutting the airheaded nihilists of the radical left. But Keith Olbermann, never failing to astound, really outdoes himself. A man with great power at MSNBC -- and thus the television media -- he hasn't the faintest inclination to responsibility. Anyway, it's a lengthy segment at the video, but worth a look. It illustrates the racist patronism of today's Democratic-left. After attacking citizen patriots as "teabagging racists," Olbermann implores tea partiers to ask themselves, "Where are the black faces" among you?

It's hard to be more racially offensive than this, for Olbermann's whole schtick essentially discounts America's achievement of the civil rights dream, one that culminated in the election of the nation's first black president in 2008. But it's more than that: After decades of Democratic Party policies that have systematically supressed black Americans (keeping them "in their place" through welfare policies of dependency, inner-city housing policies of ethnic warehousing, and voting rights policies of racial recrimination and ghettoization), Olbermann has the temerity to suggest that blacks just can't think for themselves. That's not to discount how the Democratic-left attempts to inculcate the young with the false consciousness of racial grievance and victimology. It's that on top of that Olby is asserting that black patriots need the "massa in de big house" to show them how to live.

The frightening truth for the left is that blacks and other minorities are extremely well represented in the tea party movement (and in fact, MSNBC has a history of trying to hide this). And of course it's leftist condescension in the extreme to suggest opposition to Obama is automatically racist AND that there aren't enough black faces in the crowd.

Olby should get a f**king clue, the bigoted pimp!

In any case, I wrote previously about
Mason Weaver, the great SoCal patriot and congressional candidate who just happens to be black. And recall patriot Kenny Gladney,seen here selling Gadsden flags at an event last summer, who was later beaten by SEIU thugs. Keith Olbermann certainly knows of Kenneth Gladney. He slurred him previously as at "teabagger" while spewing lies about the attack by the union goons:

You want black tea partiers, Olby? You got it:

I am the mob (not "black mob," mind you ... just the mob). And there are lots who stand with me, white or black, Hispanic or Asian, or whatever "self-identifying" constituency the left is exploiting for their disgusting race-bait politics of Democratic segregation.

Here's another great non-white tea partier, my friend
Michelle Malkin:

So, message to Keith Olbermann: All you've got is fear of racial emancipation. You'll die trying to keep blacks on the plantation. Can't have a free people, color-blind, criticizing the administration in Washington. That'd be, well, unpatriotic.

Anyway, Blue Texan sucks down Olbermann's effluent without a chaser, although Bruce Miller, who attempts a serious criticism of Olby's allegedly flawed case for "racist teabaggers," suffers from another form of hubris. Miller, with no actual citation, makes seemingly knowledgable comments like "patterns of discrimination by race have been copiously documented for decades in hiring, promotion, income, housing, health, education and on and on," only to turn around to credit the utter clown Dave Neiwert as some sort of scholarly authority:

Olbermann could also have pointed to research by people like Dave Neiwert, who actually knows something about far-right groups and their methods and rhetoric and has been chronicling their role in the Tea Party groups.
Actually, no difference: Neither Olbermann nor Neiwert knows shit about the tea parties. Fact is they've got nothing but fiction and lies. Meanwhile, tea party patriots are on the verge of taking back power and restoring the republic.

More on that later ...

UPDATE: Instalanche!!

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