Saturday, February 6, 2010

Meg Whitman Pulls First TV Ad Spot

From the Los Angeles Times, "Whitman Tweaks Campaign Ad to Fix Inconsistency":

Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman stumbled out of the gate this week with the campaign's first TV commercial fudging how long the Republican candidate has lived in the state.

"The state is in the worst shape that I've seen in the 30 years that I have lived in California," Whitman says in the ad.

One problem: Though the former EBay chief first moved to California nearly 30 years ago, in 1981, she hasn't continuously lived here since then. She was out of state from roughly 1992 to March 1998. The Whitman campaign declined to specify when she moved out of state.

After The Times and others reported the inconsistency, California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton called on her to pull the ad ...
And at National Review, "Treating a Residency Comment as a Bigger Deal Than the D.C. Snownami."

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