Monday, February 8, 2010

Roy Edroso's Bikini Burlesque (NSFW)

This really was too good to pass up!

Some readers might be familiar with Roy Edroso. He blogs at
alicublog, but his home away from home is at the Village Voice, where he writes the smear-merchandising column, "Running Scared." Well, I saw Roy's link just now at Memeorandum. I thought, "boy that'd be kinda quick to post a reaction to the conservative blogosphere on the death of John Murtha." And that's correct. In fact, Roy posted a brief obituary, "John Murtha, 1932-2010." But what's priceless is that while conservatives spend a lot of time posting pinups for Sunday's "Rule 5" extravaganza, lefties need go no further than the Village Voice for some full-on T&A! Seriously. I made a screencap to preserve the moment, which is truly NSFW. Although no doubt those great defenders of women like Scott Lemieux, T-Bogg, and Thers will find some excellent non-Sarah Palin hand-job material: "Bikini Burlesque (NSFW)"!

You da man, Roy!

And great job on that "Runnin' Scared" tea party roundup: "Rightbloggers Share Tea Party Rage at Gov't Spending -- Until a GOP Senator Puts His Hand Out." I'm sure that's REALLY why folks head over to Village Voice!

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