Sunday, February 14, 2010

Socialist Serial Killer Amy Bishop

I waded through the comments on Amy Bishop's RateMyProfessors page, but missed the one comment suggesting she was a socialist professor. I simply noted that Dr. Bishop was a "Harvard-trained left-wing professor," and some folks took issue even with that. James Joyner in particular was getting kudos for his purportedly even-handed take on the matter. See, "The Tragedy at Huntsville." The blogger there, Steven Taylor, is now desperately back-tracking after the additional evidence Dr. Joyner was asking for has proved Bishop's critics right. But Taylor doubles down anyway, "Cheap Political Points and the UAH Shooting." Might I suggest that the dude just STFU, since he's obviously eating big crow at this point.

Anyway, Robert Stacy McCain's been on the case, for example in his piece yesterday, "
‘Random Tragedy’ Not So Random: Socialist Serial Killer Amy Bishop." And now he updates with more, "‘Almost Never’ Is Once Too Often." It turns out that Dr. Joyner's getting some grief over his "balanced" analysis on the matter, although he reiterates his main point, "As I’ve previously noted, her politics seem rather irrelevant."

And they would be, except that as soon as we have a high-profile murder anywhere in this country, speculation immediately focuses on political motives. Leftists have no problem looking at the political affiliations of a
James von Brunn or a Scott Roeder. But as soon as we have a Malik Nadal Hasan or an Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab we can't jump to conclusions!

And frankly,
my initial post was a cut-and-paste job with no original commentary. Being "Harvard-trained" is almost clue enough as to Professor Bishop's ideology, and while a posting or two at RateMyProfessors is statistically insignificant, that fact alone doesn't preempt discussion of her political positions.

In any case, with reference to
late reports on Dr. Bishop, I think my good friend Dave in Boca pretty much nails it:
Turns out she shot her brother in MA twenty-some years ago fatally with three bullets, but the [then] DA [now] Dem Congresscritter Delahunt didn't think that was worthy of a trial & the case was DROPPED. I guess he recognized another libtard in Amy & let her go free to get her PhD in bioethics/neuroscience & kill three more people---this will be ignored by the MSM, and she will be protected from excessive investigation by the Dem criminal racket squads.

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