Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Tea Party Fracture?

Mainstream media outlets have sought to destroy the tea party movement from the beginning. It's just lately that a few on the left have admitted that America's conservative populists are having a dramatic effect on national poltics. But as Sarah Palin prepares to deliver the keynote address at the Nashville convention, there's more media attempts at marginalization. Today we have yet another recycled hit piece at CNN, "Fractures Emerge as Tea Party Convenes." I've responded to the left's mendacity on this already, but readers might benefit from Just-a-Grunt's discussion at Jammie's Place, "MSM Finally Acknowledges Existence of the Tea Parties":

Much has been made lately about a group of Tea Partiers holding a convention in Nashville that comes with, for many of those who support the effort, a steep price tag. My reaction has always been, so what? If you want to pay the money to attend more power to you. I have yet to figure out why this is such a big deal. It would seem the narrative being pushed in the media is that because this movement is supposed to be all about the common man everything they do must come with a Wal-Mart style price tag.

So while the Democrats are holding fundraisers in Hawaii, and their defeated candidates can go to Washington, DC to accept donations from big unions and others are holding campaign fundraisers at posh resorts and venues, the press thinks it is despicable for the Tea Party folks to holding a event that are charging for.

I think maybe it has more to do with Sarah Palin being the keynote speaker and the fear she embodies in the liberals and they are afraid of what might happen if the movement, which is really a bunch of local organizations, should get organized under one banner.

For the record, I don't think the Tea Party should be a national organization. It works best when it remains focused on the local level and holds local politicians accountable more then when they take on trying to present a solid, one size fits all, type personality.

No, trying to reign in the Tea Partiers is like herding a bunch of cats. It is an endeavor best not entered into.

The good news is that an organization that couldn't get an honorable mention on the nightly newscast last year is now having their every move scrutinized. Like they say in Hollywood, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

More at Memeorandum.

Image Credit: "Orange County Tax Day Tea Party."

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