Friday, February 12, 2010

Why NOBODY is Reading the NY Times Anymore!

Here's the Memeorandum screenshot of last night's New York Times poll:

And once again, Ken Davenport nails it in the comments:

My God -- it doesn't take more than this article to see why NOBODY is reading the NY Times anymore! This is the most biased analysis of a poll I have ever seen -- and that's saying a lot given the state of the national media these days. This is spin in the worst way -- and reflects the total willful ignorance of the left on how far they've run afoul of the American public. How pathetic! Proves again that the NY Times motto has gone from "All the news that's fit to print" to "All the news that fits, we print"!!

Also, Dalia Sussman's a teeny bit more objective at "New Poll Shows Support for Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’."

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