Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ACLU, NAACP, Other Rights Groups File Suit Against Arizona's SB 1070

Jeez, how frightening for the left that Arizona takes the law seriously. See CBS News, "Arizona Immigration Law Faces New Legal Fight":

The developing legal fight over Arizona's sweeping immigration law escalated Monday as major civil rights groups filed a lawsuit challenging the measure's constitutionality.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People were among groups that filed the latest challenge.

They filed the case in U.S. District Court on behalf of plaintiffs that include labor unions, a Tucson church, social-service organizations and numerous individuals.

The new suit, the fifth legal challenge filed since Gov. Jan Brewer signed the legislation, asks a federal judge to declare the measure unconstitutional and block it from taking effect in late July. The cases could be consolidated, and no court hearings have been scheduled.

Key provisions of the law include requiring police enforcing other laws to verify a person's immigration status if there's "reasonable suspicion" of illegal presence in the United States. It also makes being in the country illegally a state crime and prohibits seeking day-labor work at roadside.

The lawsuit alleges that the law is unconstitutional because the federal government has responsibility to regulate immigration, and because enforcement of the law will violate protections for due process and equal treatment under the law.

The suit argues that enforcing the law will subject U.S. citizens and others to racial profiling and other harassment, interfere with delivery of social services, and deter people from approaching law enforcement to report crimes.

"This law is shameful and un-American and will undermine public safety," said Lucas Guttentag, director of the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project.
Blah, blah ...

These people are way outside the mainstream, and they're freakin'. Katie Couric's citing the New York Times poll from early this month, "
Poll Shows Most in U.S. Want Overhaul of Immigration Laws."

And check Pew Research as well, "
Broad Approval For New Arizona Immigration Law: Democrats Divided, But Support key Provisions."

And not only that, the Obama administration has yet to overturn
a 2002 legal opinion holding that "state police officers have 'inherent power' to arrest undocumented immigrants for violating federal law." Naturally, the left's radical open-borders fanatics are already going bonkers over it.

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