Sunday, May 23, 2010

MA State Rep. Mike Moran – Tax & Spend Democrat, Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay Marriage, Pro-Undocumented Immigrant – Rear-Ended by Drunk Illegal Alien

Massachusetts State Rep. Michael J Moran was rear-ended by a 27 year-old illegal immigrant on Friday. Boston's Fox25 reports, "State Rep. in accident with suspected illegal immigrant."

I don't see any additional reports on Moran's condition, and my thoughts go out to him.

But according to the report:

The suspect, 27-year-old Isaias Naranjo, was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, leaving the scene of an accident and driving without a valid license. According the report, when told of the serious charges he would be facing, he just laughed.

But because of action taken by Gov. Deval Patrick, state police were unable to notify immigration authorities that Naranjo might be illegal.

Three years ago, Patrick revoked an order by former governor Mitt Romney which gave state police power to investigate immigration violations.

The governor's aides are defending the measure, saying the department of correction can still pursue the violation.

The accident is bound to reverberate at the Statehouse where lawmakers just narrowly rejected a bill to crackdown on illegal immigrants.
Some folks are focusing on Governor Patrick, but this guy Moran is a number unto himself!

Checking Moran's legislative record at local news reports and
Project Vote Smart, we see he voted to "delay indefinitely" a proposal to "require the state to verify that anyone over 18 who applies for state benefits is legally in Massachusetts":
The proposal would require a person seeking benefits to produce proof that he or she is here legally by providing either a valid Massachusetts driver's license or identification card, U.S. military card, Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card, military dependent’s identification card or Native American tribal document. Anyone who could not produce one of those documents would have the option to execute a notarized affidavit stating that he or she is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident or is otherwise lawfully present in the United States.

The measure provides many exemptions from the requirement and allows people who cannot produce the necessary identification to still receive emergency medical treatment, immunization and services such as soup kitchens, crisis counseling and intervention and short-term shelter.

Some supporters of the study said that the proposal is mean spirited and anti-immigrant and noted that many illegal immigrants are hardworking people who perform jobs that most Americans would not do. Others said that the House should gather information before making a rash decision and noted that this problem really should be solved on the federal level. Some argued that there are many legal immigrants who would find it difficult to produce the necessary documents.

Opponents of the study said that it is simply another example of a sneaky way for legislators to avoid a direct vote on the proposal itself.
Not only that, Moran voted in favor of "In State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants"; to expand "Reproductive Health Clinic Buffer Zones"; for a "Cigarette Tax Increase" and "Sales Tax Increase"; and against a "Constitutional Amendment Defining Marriage" between a man and a woman.

Well at least the guy's consistent!

RELATED: From Washington State, "Investigators: Edmonds rape suspect deported nine times" (via Memeorandum and at JammieWearingFool).

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