Monday, May 31, 2010

Californians Split on Arizona's SB 1070? Well, No Actually

Well, here comes this morning's Los Angeles Times to confirm --- once again --- the main point I raised in my coverage of this weekend's reconquista protest in Phoenix. See, the Times' poll, "Californians Split on Arizona's Illegal Immigration Crackdown":


California voters are closely divided over the crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona, with sharp splits along lines of ethnicity and age, according to a new Los Angeles Times/USC poll.

Overall, 50% of registered voters surveyed said they support the law, which compels police to check the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally, while 43% oppose it. That level of support is lower than polls have indicated nationwide.

But attitudes among the state's voters are not uniform. Strong majorities of white voters and those over 50 support the Arizona law, while Latinos and those under 30 are heavily opposed.

Arizona's adoption of the law in April stirred passions and protests across the nation, with cities including Los Angeles voting to boycott the state. The matter has turned into a pressure point in electoral battles, including the Republican gubernatorial primary in California. But the poll shows that most voters, even those with ardent feelings about the measure, said they were unlikely to reject candidates based solely on their immigration stances.
Read the examples at the link.

Actually, this is a large survey sample of 1,506 registered voters, and the poll's got a sampling error of 2.6 percent. In other words, Californians are not "closely divided" on the Arizona law. Exactly half of the respondents support the law, amazing for California, which if it not for the tea parties would have long ago gone the way of San Franciscoistan. And remember, we'd have a way larger difference than 7 percentage-points if the mainstream press was accurately reporting the news.

For more on that, plus photos, see "
Immigrants and Socialists March Against SB 1070 in Phoenix."

And more on Arizona at
American Freedom, Astute Bloggers, Carol's Closet, Gateway Pundit, Left Coast Rebel, NewsReal, Nice Deb, Snooper's Report, The Other McCain, and Theo Spark.

Plus, check
Memeorandum for the latest in media malfeasance.

As of this posting, the New York Times is reporting that "
Tina Loudon, a Tea Party member from St. Louis," helped organize the Stand With Arizona event at Tempe's Diablo Stadium. Actually, that'd be Gina Loudon, but let's not be too hard on the nation's "unofficial newspaper of record."

NOTE: I have pics from the Stand With Arizona rally, and will update later ...

Added: MAinfo also linked. Thanks!

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