Monday, May 31, 2010

NBC12 in Phoenix Broadcasts Anti-SB 1070 Attacks on Republicans as Nazis

This is really distasteful, almost sickening actually.

Local NBC12 coverage of the Phoenix reconquista march on Saturday.

Watch the full video at


Especially loathsome is the comments toward the end of the clip, where reporter Rachel Stockman indicates that the reconquistas were "concerned" that some SB 1070 supporters "were going to show up here at the march." Look at the impression NBC 12 is sending. Thousands of raving socialist revolutionaries and reconquistas, frequently advocating violence and spewing hate-filled Nazi attacks on everyday Americans, are "concerned" that actual citizens would show up for a city-wide public march. From the Arizona Republic to CNN to the New York Times, MSM outlets simply refused to report the facts on the ground. Americans are not getting real journalism anymore, and the consequences of the loss of an independent press working to protect liberty and security in this nation, are yet fully to be felt. The silver lining is that more and more everyday Americans are getting active and getting the word out: They're fed up with the left's socialist-media-industrial-complex and they're taking the country back.

My earlier reporting was widely aggregated across the right-blogosphere. I particularly liked the commentary at
The Lonely Conservative:
Don’t believe what you read in the paper. This isn’t about immigration reform. This is about socialism, reconquista and revolution. But the mainstream media won’t tell you that. You won’t hear them talking about the angry extremists who descended on Arizona. No, that sort of talk is reserved for those who love this country and wish to preserve our sovereignty and freedom.
Plus, more reactions at Dana Loesch, Getting Paid to Watch, Gold-Plated Witch on Wheels, The Gulag Blog, Hyscience, Irons in the Fire, Logistics Monster, Munz Place, Paco Enterprises, Puma By Design 001, Saberpoint, and Welcome to Trigger.

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