Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hey, Don't 'Obsess' Those 'Squishy' Overseas Terror Ties – Jihadis Converting YouTube Into Terror-Recruiting Tool

Send the memo to Brilliant Barbara at Teh Mahablog, and Steve "We Need More Female Downs Syndrome Suicide Bombers" Hynd:

At WND, "
Jihadis Convert YouTube into Terror-Recruiting Tool: Al-Qaida Ally Posting News, Violence-Inciting Rants Online":

Islamic terrorists plotting attacks in the U.S. are recruiting, taking credit for bombings and calling for even more violence – all with the help of a popular U.S.-based website: YouTube.

In fact, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan – a group White House counterterrorism czar John Brennan said is "closely allied with al-Qaeda; they train together, they plan together, they plot together" – maintains a YouTube channel for posting news and violence-inciting rants.

"Today, dated 19th April 2010, through media I want to convey an important message to the Muslim ummah," states a video still viewable on the group's YouTube channel, reportedly with the voice of leader Hakeemullah Mehsud to the "ummah," meaning the spread of Muslims throughout the globe.

"America, which is the biggest evil of this world, [has] savagely massacred millions of innocent Muslims," the video continues. "From now on, the main targets of our fidaeen are American cities."

The video, which begins with the words "A message to the Muslim ummah and a warning to USA and NATO allies … step back or get ready to be destroyed," then shows a map of the U.S. with explosions erupting throughout.

"America/NATO, you will pay for your crimes," it concludes.
And note this from Anwar Al-Awlaki:

And via Jawa Report, at Fox News, "American-Yemeni cleric advocates killing of American civilians in al-Qaida video":
An American-Yemeni cleric whose Internet sermons are believed to have helped inspire attacks on the U.S. has advocated the killing of American civilians in an al-Qaida video released Sunday.

Anwar al-Awlaki has been singled out by U.S. officials as a key terrorist threat and has been added to the CIA's list of targets for assassination despite his American citizenship. He is of particular concern because he is one of the few English-speaking radical clerics able to explain to young Muslims in America and other Western countries the philosophy of violent jihad.

The U.S.-born al-Awlaki moved to Yemen in 2004 and is in hiding there after being linked to the suspects in the November shooting at an Army base in Fort Hood, Texas, and the December attempt to blow up a U.S. jetliner bound for Detroit.

"Those who might be killed in a plane are merely a drop of water in a sea," he said in the video in response to a question about Muslim groups that disapproved of the airliner plot because it targeted civilians.

Al-Awlaki used the 45-minute video to justify civilian deaths — and encourage them — by accusing the United States of intentionally killing a million Muslim civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

American civilians are to blame, he said, because "the American people, in general, are taking part in this and they elected this administration and they are financing the war."

He added that the Prophet Muhammad also sent forces into battles that claimed civilian lives.

The video was produced by the media arm of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, though the exact nature of al-Awlaki's ties with the group and possible direct role in it are unclear. The U.S. says he is an active participant in the group, though members of his tribe have denied that.

For its part, al-Qaida appears to be trying to make use of his recruiting power by putting him in its videos. Its media arm said Sunday's video was its first interview with the cleric.
Seriously. Not yet translated, but Awlaki's posted in full, at "Interview with Shaykh Anwar al Awlaki."

And of course, the neo-communist
terror-deniers continue to tell us it's all our fault.

Added: Weasel Zippers, "US-Born al-Qaeda Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki Releases New Sermon Urging Murder of American Civilians…" (via Memeorandum, with AP).

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