Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chris Matthews Special on MSNBC: 'Rise of the New Right'

Both parties, and both ideological perspectives, have their extremists. And one of the more interesting things about American politics is how each side labors to brand the other as outside the mainstream. Which side is winning? The conservatives, libertarians and tea partiers, who've been making the case that the Obama-Democrats are pushing a socialist-authoritarian regime on the country. It's not extreme to suggest it. They've been proving it in spades, with Obama's Oval Office disaster on Tuesday just the latest in the left's long propaganda campaign to bring about the communist cap-and-tax system of economic statism. Meanwhile, the left's media elites strain to portray the tea party movement as gun-toting terrorists about to kill and maim legions, the most recent example being Chris Matthews' one-hour special last night. I watched it, but check Lori Ziganto's piece, "Chris Matthews’ “Rise of The New Right”: Delusional Neo-Communist Propaganda":

Last night, MSNBC aired a Chris Matthews special, labeled a documentary, called The Rise of the New Right. I decided to take a quick break from my radical right wing extremist acts like bitterly clinging to my guns and my Bible, whilst fiendishly drawing Hitler moustaches on Obama photos, to watch it. I know. Apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment. However, while absolutely infuriating, it was simultaneously hilarious and almost took my mind off the distressing shortage of windmills in this country.

Almost immediately, two things became rather apparent. Firstly, MSNBC’s NewSpeak definition of “documentary” is evidently “blatant fallacies and pure propaganda”. Secondly, it’s quite clear that Chris Matthews’ leg ‘tingle’ has moved into his brain, or what passes for some semblance of one. Either that, or he’s merely decided to embrace his cuckoo pants. Plus, he’s a big, fat liar. I feel no qualms about saying that, since Matthews spent a full hour demonizing me and people like me as violent, irrational racists. In fact, the entire show could be summed up like this:

Racists. Birthers. Guns! Evil scary militia groups that have the same “Don’t Tread on Me” flag!!! Chanting “USA, USA” and being fond of the Constitution and, you know, liberty is super scary and ominous. Also, racist. And violence fomenting. Plus, racist.

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