Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kate Beckinsale OMG!!

Looking forward to The Other McCain's Rule 5 Sunday, and Kate Beckinsale is putting up some competition to hot Sarah Brandner. And no, I haven't stopped blogging about politics, LOL!

And be sure to visit some of my Rule 5-ing friends:
* Another Black Conservative.

Astute Bloggers (Honorary).

Blazing Cat Fur.

Bob Belvedere.

Classical Liberal.

Daley Gator.

Left Coast Rebel.


The Other McCain.

Reaganite Republican (Honorary).

Right Klik (Honorary).

Saberpoint (Honorary).

Serr8d (Honorary).

Snooper's Report (Honorary).


Theo Spark.

Washington Rebel.

BONUS: Don't forget Instapundit.

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