Wednesday, June 16, 2010

David Petraeus Faints During Senate Testimony

Please join me in holding good thoughts and well-wishes for Gen. David Petraeus. It's amazing that this morning's Los Angeles Times is just now reporting on this, "Petraeus Appears to Faint During Senate Testimony." I'm almost positive folks had already analyzed the event up and down on Twitter more than 24 hours ago. Strange. I'd be interested to know how many Americans are just learning of the fainting spell this morning over coffee. It's good to have the legacy media in terms of resources and institutional expertise and memory. But man, it's not "breaking news" anymore. In any case, check for the picture at the link especially, which shows Petraeus leaning forward from the front. The videos, thankfully, show John McCain's questioning just as Gen. Petraeus is heard to fall forward; and it's fascinating to juxtapose the shorter clip at top with the longer one below. If you're a policy wonk, you'll get a kick out of this long discussion over the administration's July '11 pullout date for the Afghan deployment. McCain is obviously unhappy about that, and tries to get Petraeus to make the case for a longer stay for U.S. forces. See also, Jennifer Rubin, "Bipartisan Criticism of Obama Timeline for Afghanistan."

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