Friday, June 18, 2010

Jose Lara on O'Reilly Factor

O'Reilly is too easy on this guy Jose Lara. But what's interesting his how Lara makes no arguments based on sound argumentation. He claims for example that Arizona's law is unjust BECAUSE city councils and civil rights groups around the country have denounced it. That's not argument. He also claims not to indoctrinate students. From I've heard, that whole Santee High School in Los Angeles is one anti-American hate dump. And remember, this is a guy in the classroom supposedly teaching young people "social studies." I get chills thinking about the sick ideology that's being instilled --- and remember, I marched with thousands of people like this on May 29th. They hate the United States. Maybe probing that hate might be O'Reilly's next line of questioning for these tools:

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