Friday, June 18, 2010

Meg Whitman, '100 Percent Opposed to Amnesty', Launches Spanish-Language Ad Blitz in California

Toward the end of the GOP gubernatorial primary this spring, former E-Bay CEO Meg Whitman claimed to be aggressively tough-on-borders and 100 percent opposed to amnesty. Here's the big ad buy that aired right up to the June 8th election:

On immigration, I will secure our border. And I'll send in the national guard if necessary. I say no driver's licenses, no sanctuary cities, and absolutely no amnesty. Period.
Whitman was endorsed by former California Governor and Prop 187-sponsor Pete Wilson: "I know how important it is to stop illegal immigration, and I know Meg Whitman. Meg will be tough as nails on illegal immigration."


Now Whitman's launched a "
Latino outreach" campaign ad buy as "part of a comprehensive, multimedia effort to engage Latinos during this crucial election year":

Anncr: Meg Whitman is a different kind of candidate. She is a business leader ready to fix Sacramento, ready to create more jobs and better schools in California. She respects our community. She is the Republican who opposes the Arizona law and opposed Proposition 187.

She means real change. She has a specific plan for A New California. With more jobs, better schools and less bureaucracy.

Text: More jobs, better schools, less bureaucracy.

Anncr: She includes all of us. Meet Meg Whitman. A different kind of candidate, and the Governor California needs.
The main story's at LAT, "Whitman launches ads on Spanish-language TV stations."

It's to be expected. I almost rolled over when I first saw Whitman toughening-up on immigration as her poll numbers wilted amid attacks from Steve Poizner. And while she's always been "kinder, gentler" on the issue, this switch-a-roo sets a new record for crass political pandering. Meanwhile, she's already sunk another $20 million into her campaign,
bringing her total funding up to $91 million so far. Amazingly, Whitman so might anger the conservative base that die-hard opponents of McCain-Feingold might well start backing limits on wealthy self-funded non-voting amnesty-loving flip-flopping RINOs.

In related news, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's going all out in her battle against the Obama administration's war on SB 1070. See, "
Gov. Brewer Very Disappointed in Obama Snub, Vows to Beat Feds in Court Over Illegal Immigration Law" (via Memeorandum). Also at Nice Deb, "'Unacceptable!': Obama Breaks Promise to Jan Brewer."

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