Thursday, March 10, 2011

Betsy Liley Contradicts Initial NPR Statement on 'Refusing' $5 million Donation From Phony Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC)

Man, the hits keep coming.

At Big Journalism, "
Newest Project Veritas Video Exposes NPR’s Deception; Time For Congressional Hearings." And Daily Caller, "New video: NPR was going to accept Muslim Education Action Center donation and hide it from the government":

New video released Thursday afternoon indicates National Public Radio intended to accept a $5 million donation from fictitious Muslim Brotherhood front group Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust – and that the publicly funded radio network might have helped MEAC make the donation anonymously to protect it from a federal government audit.

When a man posing as Ibrahim Kasaam asked, “It sounded like you were saying NPR would be able to shield us from a government audit, is that correct?” NPR’s senior director of institutional giving, Betsy Liley, responded, “I think that is the case, especially if you are anonymous. I can inquire about that.” According to conservative James O’Keefe, whose Project Veritas organization conducted the NPR sting organization, the man posing as Kasaam made two follow-up phone calls to Liley after their lunch.

Liley said a $5 million donation would amount to about “10 years of support.”
It's a long tape, but after 23:00 minutes you hear talk of keeping the donation quiet ... there are firewalls between news and funding, etc., and that NPR put the hush-hush on an earlier big George Soros donation. George Soros!

Man, this is wild.

At Hot Air as well, "
New O’Keefe video: Sure, says NPR exec, we can hide a donation from a Muslim Brotherhood front group from the government" (and also Memeorandum).

Allah updates there with the news that NPR denies Liley speaks for NPR, although she is "Senior Director of Institutional Giving." Postmodern denialism, or something.

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