Sunday, March 6, 2011

Clean Up in Madison Today — UPDATE!

I reported earlier that Wisconsin's GOP Senator Glenn Grothman "went on MSNBC last night and rebuked the filthy dirtbag protesters as a bunch of slobs" (video here). That was a response to progressive cobag Thers at Whiskey Fire, who claimed, after an anarchist mob nearly lynched Grothman, "that this is a damned disciplined protest." Well checking over at Firedoglake last night, it turns out that cobag Thers, one of Hamsher's Henchmen, took another dishonest dump on conservatives with this screed: "At Least We’re Not the Ones Trashing, You Know, The Planet..." Look, you gotta give it up for Thers just for the lulz. What's always interesting with Thers and the FDL demons is how liberal the F-Bomb is thrown around as a source of neo-communist authority. Of course, I've smacked down Thers mercilessly, in his own comment thread, after he self-douched himself with some lame attempt at debunking the progressives' big lie. But here's the gist from last night, in any case:

In a fascinating yet idiotic development, the “Wisconsin Tea Party” has decided that they are going to descend upon Madison and “Take Out the Trash.” You see, the tea-morons are convinced the labor rights protesters are filthy disgusting hippies who have littered the capitol with discarded Marijuana Roaches and used Kotex products. The reason the tea-morons believe this is that they are nitwits who not merely believe inane Fox News propaganda, but masturbate to it.
And in a fit of crazed neo-communist self-congratulation, Thers cites Ann Althouse as an authority on how "clean" the progressive scumbags have kept the Capitol, only to turn around and slam her as demented:

Hell, even noted wingnut-celebrated birdbrain Ann Althouse says there’s no trash, contra the Kotex-mongering of a certain famous hard-right slob of a junkie sex-tourist deejay. And Althouse is opposed to the protesters to the point of dementia! (Though dementia is, of course, the mental region she typically inhabits anyhow.)
Right. Thers is fail.

Senator Grothman nailed it when he called these freaks out as a bunch of pigs. And
Chicks on the Right sums up:

Those idiots in Madison took SHARPIE MARKERS to the marble in the statehouse, you guys. What a bunch of freaking animals.
Anyway, Althouse just updated. Meade's been to the Capitol and we should have some fresh reports out of Madison shortly. Look for updates:

Wisconsin Dirtbags





UPDATE: Athouse updates, "What the hell is "It's Time to Take Out the Trash Day"?":
I assume "take out the trash" is intended as a double entendre, and the person who named this group intended to call the protesters "trash." They are not trash. They are people you disagree with, who have chosen a means of expression that you disagree with.

Now, it's a great idea for Tea Party folk to come down to the Capitol to express themselves and to pick up any litter that they find around the place, inside and out. That doesn't take any special expertise. But if you believe the place is strewn with litter, you are just plain wrong. Meade and/or I have been down there every day for the 2+ weeks, and we're not seeing trash. I have been blogging about this for many days, after a picture of mine showing litter on one of the first days went viral on the internet. The protesters got the message and were extremely diligent picking up trash after that point. Not knowing that makes you look ignorant.
It'd be nice to be in Madison for a direct report, but I'm going to disagree slightly with Althouse. Fact is the double-entendre works perfectly for me --- the protesters are trash. Senator Grothman nailed it initially when he hammered the anarcho-commies as scumbags and slobs. Frankly, they probably wouldn't have been cleaning up their junk had not Althouse called them out in the first place. What's even better, though, is getting cobag Thers all riled up. I mean, for someone who always calling out tea partiers as, if you'll excuse my language, "fuckety, fuck fuck fuck fucked," you gotta love how the douche cites Althouse in a fit of righteousness:

Fail yourself, dumbass. "But if you believe the place is strewn with litter, you are just plain wrong."

The Althouse pictures you post are from February, though above them you take care to say she "just updated."

You're even a bigger clown than Althouse. Congratulations.
Hey, you gotta love it. Citing a demented clown to attack an even bigger clown who's got your number.

Man, that's gold!


The best!

UPDATE II: I've got a new post, "Bwahahahaha!! THERS = SELF-DOUCHE Got Da Althouse Fevah!!!"

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