Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crybaby Keith Ellison

Jeez, maybe Barack Hussein's cold, uncaring exterior's a good thing.

Look, I cry when I go to the movie theaters. Other than that, I try to put a handle on it.

At Daily Caller, "
Muslim congressman breaks down in tears during committee hearing on Islamic extremism":

Rep. Keith Ellison, one of two Muslim members of Congress, broke down in tears while delivering his testimony in defense of the Muslim community during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing Thursday.

The Minnesota Democrat ended his testimony with the story of 23-year-old Mohammad Salman Hamdani, a Pakistani-born American who was killed in New York on Sept. 11, 2001 while trying to save victims from the World Trade Center buildings. Before his remains were found near the north tower, rumor spread that he had been involved in the killings.
Ed Morrissey responds to the allegations that the King hearings are a "witch hunt":
The problem with describing these as “witch hunts” is that there were no actual witches to be found. In this case, we’ve not only been repeatedly attacked by radical Islamists from abroad, but also from within as well. Anwar al-Awlaki has American citizenship, for instance, and has become one of the most dangerous terrorist leaders in the world. He inspired Major Nidal Hasan’s massacre at Fort Hood, Faisal Shahzad’s attempt to bomb Times Square, just to name two recent plots, and may have had a hand in the Zazi plot as well.

King and others in this hearing have gone out of their way to repeat that they are looking into radical Islam as a major problem in home-grown terrorism. Even that won’t satisfy Ellison, who seems determined to shout (or sob) down any attempt to talk about the nature of radical Islam and the threat to national security it represents as somehow an attack on all Muslims. Ruth Marcus isn’t fooled ...
Follow the link to the Marcus essay, and more.

I can only imagine the lulz we might see in an upcoming attack ad: Planes bursting into flames as they slam into the Twin Towers? Fade into Keith Ellison bawling on Capitol Hill.

Mohammad Salman Hamdani, who gave his life on 9/11, is a hero. Keith Ellison, not so much.

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