Sunday, March 13, 2011

Palestinians Call for New Violent Uprising, a 'Third Intifada' — Israel Says 'Murders Are Reminder of Struggle for Our Existence'

There's a glut of important news of happenings around the world, but given the scale of the atrocity in the West Bank, the response to the Fogel family massacre among progressives and the lamestream media is pathetic, if not predictable.

Importantly, despite the stern denials of the PA leadership, the Palestinian street has once again expressed the true sentiment toward Israel and Middle East peace. At Ynet, "
Facebook page calls for 3rd intifada." There's a video a the link, anonymously sourced and in Arabic, announcing the launch of a new Intifada on May 15, the alleged anniversary of the Nakba. And at Commentary, "So, Who Controls the Palestinian Street?" Frankly, the it's one big happy family of Muslim fanatics: "Palestine Today: Stabbing of 3 year old, infant 'heroic and courageous'." Contrast that to the rituals denials and fake denunciation of violence: "Palestinian Arabs' new meme: 'We would never kill children!'"

In related news, last night I was ready
to post this video from My Israel, "Massacre of the Israeli Fogel family by a Palestinian terrorist – Names and Faces." But just as I was about to publish, the clip was taken down by YouTube: "Video of Friday’s slaying of Jews by Palestinians banned by YouTube and Facebook." Pamela has the video, plus photos from the scene, "Islamic Jew Hatred: **GRAPHIC** Muslims Stab Jewish family of Five to Death." And Israel Matzav posts the statement from the Fogel family on the release of the Itamar photos:

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Dear colleagues,

These photos were released by the family. They have given full permission for their use and they to ask you to report on the horrific reality of murdering children and babies in their sleep, simply because they are Jewish.

The photos are high resolution and can be reproduced in your website and newspaper.

For more information, pls contact Roni Arazi, spokesman of the Yesha Council, Israel; 972-54-566-5999.
Plus, it turns out Power Line picks up my post from last night, "Scenes From a Massacre."

And at Los Angeles Times, "
Israel vows to expand settlements after stabbings":
As thousands of Israelis gathered Sunday to bury five members of a family of Jewish settlers who were stabbed to death in their beds over the weekend, the government said it would respond to the attack by building an additional 500 homes in the West Bank.

Israeli security forces continued their manhunt for unknown infiltrators who broke into the heavily guarded settlement of Itamar, south of Nablus, and killed Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their children, including an infant. The military has named no suspects, but officials are blaming Palestinian militants for the attack.

The government decision to expand housing construction in several large settlement blocs was intended to signal that Israel's presence in the West Bank will not be deterred by violence, officials said.

"This murder reminds everyone that the struggle and conflict is not about Israel's borders or about independence of a repressed nation, but a struggle for our existence," Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon said at the funeral. "In this difficult hour we must rise from the rubble and do the most natural thing — continue building and developing Israel."
Plus, at Jerusalem Post, "PM visits Itamar victims' families: 'They shoot, we build'."

Added: More from Israel Matzav, "The New York Times blames the 'settlers'."

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