Saturday, March 12, 2011

Palestinians Celebrate Horrific Murder of Jewish Family in West Bank Itamar Settlement

This is why Israel maintains the wall. And really, what does this solve? Nothing. But it proves that Israelis have overwhelming reason to fear for their lives. Among the dead is an infant, Hadas Fogel, the youngest child of Udi Fogel, 36, and his wife Ruth, 35. Also dead are Yoav, 11, and Elad, 4. Three other children were orphaned by the murders. See Jerusalem Post, "Fogel family identified as victims of Itamar terror attack."

And at Ynet, "Gaza celebrates; Fayyad condemns terror attack" (at Memeorandum). Muslims in Gaza handed out candy in celebration of the barbarity. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad condemned the killings, which is essentially meaningless, since Hamas applauded the slaughter:
IDF and security forces have been scouring the West Bank area since late Friday night, and have arrested 20 Palestinians from the villages of Awarta, Zababdeh, Sanur and Siliya. The IAF employed unmanned aerial vehicle in an effort to search for the suspects.

The Hamas movement accused the Palestinian Authority's security apparatus of arresting three of its activists near Qalqilya and Jenin.

"The report of five murdered Israelis is not enough to punish someone," said Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri, adding, "However; we in Hamas completely support the resistance against settlers who murder and use crime and terror against the Palestinian people under the auspices of the Israeli occupation soldiers."

A pamphlet distributed by the Islamic group said the PA also detained activists from Nablus, who were previously imprisoned and released.

According to an unverified report, Fatah's military wing – the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades – claimed responsibility for the attack. A group spokesman told a Palestinian news agency that a terror cell infiltrated the settlement of Itamar and committed the attack.

The spokesperson stressed that the attack "came as a response to Israel's continues hostile policy toward the Palestinian people."
I first saw this at Legal Insurrection, "Palestinian Terrorist Stabs Infant and Family to Death."

See also, Blazing Cat Fur, "
Peace Loving Gazans celebrate murder of 3 month old Baby," Jawa Report, "Brave 'Mujahid' Murders Israeli Family of 5 Including Infant, Hamas Celebrates," and Weasel Zippers, "Palestinian Terrorists Stab Three Israeli Children and a Baby to Death While They Sleep, Gaza Residents Celebrate by Handing out Candy and Sweets…"

Also at Pamela's, "
Muslims Celebrate Mass Murder with Passing Out Candy to Children." And Bare Naked Islam, "Palestinian vermin stab to death 5 Israeli family members, including 3 children, in their sleep."

RELATED: At Los Angeles Times, "
Brutal West Bank killings shock Israel, stir fears of renewed violence."

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