Sunday, March 13, 2011

TBogg of Firedoglake a Liar? Well It Depends On What the Meaning of the Word 'Long' Is

I'd pretty much planned to ignore the latest vile and steaming hatred over at Lawyers, Gays and Marriage. It's the same old baloney. But you know, if Scott Eric Kaufman wants to write post after post whining about my objections to him saying he was gonna "end me," then maybe he shouldn't have threatened that he was going to "end me," or something. But he's at it again, in any case, bloviating with a bunch of nonsense about how he's got some attorney friends spoon-feeding him litigation tips, which sounds totally impressive --- and totally unimportant. That said, the thread's a fabulous case of a bunch of fever swamp dickwads with too much time on their hands. Talk about getting sucked into the Douglas Vortex! I love the feedback, as demented as it may be. No doubt I'm over the target and killing these mofos. Indeed, Demon Tbogg at Firedoglake --- thinking he's some kinda netroots bigshot --- ends up lying through his effin' teeth:
I long ago decided to quit responding to or otherwise acknowledging Douglas. Back when he was going apes-hit about the budget in California I pointed out that it could come back to bite him in the ass since he is a public employee. He took that to mean I was somehow threatening to his job when I was pointing out that he had a family to watch out for.

Some people are just too stupid to be helped. Fuck ‘em.
So, Tbogg "long ago decided to quit responding to or otherwise acknowledging Douglas." And of course, he signs off his rant with the obligatory FDL profanity. Gotta love these guys. "Dumbasses", as dolt-douche Thers might say. Since naturally it was just exactly two weeks ago when TBogg in fact commented here at the blog, on February 27th. The "JuCo" dig is meant to be a slam on my position at a community college professor, but as we serve the most disadvantaged in society, it's a reminder of how out of touch progressives are with the people they profess to champion:
Tell me Donald, does your JuCo employer have anyone on staff who teaches remedial reading?

"As a pudgy FreedomWorks Warrior For Freedom demands that a Union guy discuss Freedom with him, Tabitha Hale shows up and and decides to shove her iPhone in the Union guys face..."

Even by your standards...very sloppy.
The quote's from TBogg's attack on Tabitha Hale, of which he suggests I should be correcting, since he can't write decent prose, I guess. Either way, that's a real awesome job there of not "responding to or acknowledging in any way." And just two Sundays ago --- which I'm sure we'll be learning from those in the "reality-based community" is in fact a really, really long time ago! Because, you know, it just all depends on what the meaning of the word "long" is!

And if that doesn't do it, perhaps progressives might stretch their timeline back to December, which was the last time TBogg was not acknowledging me in any way, with "
Donald Dick."

But hey, you gotta love these mofo troll-freaks. They hate me so much they really like me. Sally Field would be proud!!

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