Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yet More Union Thuggery: Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman Trapped by Mob at Capitol Grounds

At Say Anything, "Wisconsin Protesters Mob Republican Legislator, Block His Entrance to The Capitol" (via Instapundit):

This all over
Memeorandum, for example, at Gateway Pundit and Michelle's, "Mob rule video: Uhinged crowd corners Wisconsin GOP senator shouting “F**k you,” “Shame!”":

I got bad chills up and down my spine watching this group of crazed, pro-union Madison thugs gang up on a lone conservative in a public space just trying to do his job.

Been there, done that. It’s no fun.

Mass. Democrat Rep. Michael Capuano’s words “Get a little bloody” echoed in my mind like a soundtrack while watching the video clip.

The scene: The Madison, WI state capitol grounds.

The target: Wisconsin state Republican Sen. Glenn Grothman.

The mobsters: Anti-Scott Walker agitators shouting “Shame! Shame! Shame F***k you! F***k you!” while beating their tribal drums, blowing their horns, and hounding Sen. Grothman into an alcove.

First, they back him up on the side of a building, chase him across the lawn, and then corner him.

Sick to my stomach.

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