Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One Man, One Woman: Can We All Agree?

Josh Marshall's right up there in gold medal territory for sleaze this election (a close contest with Andrew Sullivan), so I'm getting a kick out of the reader backlash he's getting for Yes on 8 advertisements running on his blog, including this one right now:

One of the key arguments against Proposition 8 is that it allegedly promotes hate and intolerance.

But look what
Marshall reports:
I know many of you consider this ad both inappropriate and tasteless ...

Now, some of the emails we've gotten have been very heated and even angry. I understand and respect those sentiments. I especially understand the feelings of our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered readers, many of whom feel that a site they've read, supported, turned friends on to, etc., has in some way betrayed them. It really pains me to hear this. And I really wish I weren't faced with this choice. But I am. And for the reasons stated above this is the one I have to make [to continue to carry the advertisement as a matter of fairness and principle].
The "gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered" readers (ayatollahs) mentioned are, frankly, just as intolerant to Yes on 8 supporters as is Iran's regime is to homosexuals.

Totalitarianism knows no national boundaries, and it's clear that the readers at Talking Points Memo don't care about the democratic process - and mark my words, this kind of reaction to a simple, automatically-generated campaign ad is just a glimpse of what's ahead for free speech under a far left-wing Obama administration, which will be
completely captured by the progressive-radical interest group alliance of the Democratic Party.

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