Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Angry Taxpayers Rally at Nationwide Tea Parties - UPDATED!

Well, tomorrow's the big day. Americans around the country will gather at civic centers nationwide to protest "the high-tax and deficit spending policies of President Obama and the Democratic Congress," as the Washington Examiner puts it, in "Angry Taxpayers to Rally at Tea Party Protests":

The movement started with a “Porkulus” protest organized by Keli Carender, a blogger-mom in Seattle getting her first taste of political activism, three days before the now-famous Feb. 19 television news rant by CNBC reporter Rick Santelli from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Carender was concerned about Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus package. Blogger Michelle Malkin got wind of Carender’s activity and touted it, which led to similar protests in Colorado, Arizona, and Kansas. A national movement caught fire, organized by a bunch of mostly unconnected people who found each other via social networking on the Internet. These facts about the origins of the movement render especially goofy recent accusations from pro-Obama groups on the left that the Tea Party Protests are somehow part of an evil right-wing conspiracy funded either by CNBC or Fox News.

Part of the reason for the mean-spiritedness in some of the attacks from the pro-Obama groups is likely the failure of efforts to turn out large crowds in support of the chief executive’s $787 billion economic stimulus package and $3.6 trillion 2010 federal budget, with its $1 trillion deficit and comparable floods of red ink for a decade thereafter. The recent “New Way Forward” gathering here in D.C., for example, was heralded by organizers as the first of a wave of counter-Tea Party Protests, but barely a dozen people turned out. Similarly, much-publicized efforts to use the 13-million email addresses compiled by the Obama campaign to generate pressure on Congress barely caused a ripple, much less a wave of support for the Obama budget.
The piece links to Tax Day Tea Party and National Tea Party Day.

See "
The New Tea Party and Revolution" for another tremendous resource.

Nice Deb has bumped up her post, "
Who’s Going to A Tax Day Tea Party?", and she links to Luke America's resource, "101 Tea Party Sign Slogans."

See also:

* Adam Graham, "Why I’m Attending a Tea Party."

* Angry White Dude, "
Liberals Fear Conservative Tea Parties."

* Astute Bloggers, "
Pawlenty Slams Obama Taxes."

* Atlas Shrugs, "
White House Distances Itself from ... Lovers of Freedom."

* Cheat Seeking Missiles, "
Toast Krugman At Your Tea Party."

* Dan Riehl, "
The New Battleground: Tea Parties And The Tenth Amendment."

* David Weigel, "
Tea Party Activists: Tax Day Events Will Attract ‘Silent Majority’."

* Flopping Aces, "
Homeland Security Report targets Flopping Aces."

* Glenn Reynolds, "
MARK LEVIN’S LIBERTY AND TYRANNY is still #1 on Amazon."

* Liberty Papers, "
The White House responds to DHS report."

* Liberty Pundit, "
Gallup Poll: People OK With Level Of Taxation."

* Little Miss Attila, "
The Jon Henke Smackdown of Tea-Trutherism."

* Lonely Conservative, "
Liberals are Mocking the Tea Parties."

* Lynn Mitchell, "
Tea parties going global."

* Michelle Malkin, "
Where will you be for Tax Day Tea Party?"

* PoliGazette, "
Are the Tea Parties A Delayed Reaction?"

* Protein Wisdom, "
Tax Day Tea Parties."

* Repurblican, "
Beware of Tea Party free-riders and saboteurs, Right and Left."

* Right Wing News, "
I am Participating in my First Protest Tomorrow."

* Robert Stacy McCain, "
Alabama, here I come!"

* Snooper Report, "
You Throw It Out And Replace It."

* Stop the ACLU, "
Gallup Poll Apparently Says Us Teabaggers Are Out Of Touch (?)."

* The Strata-Sphere, "
The Threat Of Far Right Extremism - Updated!"

* Sundries Shack, "
Ignore the JournoList Meme of the Week and Go to a Tea Party!"

* Wake Up America, "Watch For 'Men in Black' At A tea Party Near You Tomorrow."

* William Jacobson, "The Constitution Is A Subversive Manifesto Per DHS."

Please e-mail to be added to this roundup. Patriots, to the streets!


UPDATE: More Tea Party and related posting:

* The Anchoress, "DHS documents picking a fight? UPDATED."

* Andrea Shea King, "
Tea Party Anthem Singer ... “This whole thing is Rush Limbaugh’s fault”."

* Critical Thinker, "
Edmund Burke and a Progressive went to a Tea Party."

* Founding Bloggers, "
Is DHS Writing Any Reports About ... Leftwing Extremists In Chicago?"

* Gateway Pundit, "
St. Louis Tea Party Organizers Fight Back!..."

* Gayle's Place, "
I'm a Rightwing Extremist, are You?"

* John Romano, "
Tea Parties, Homeland Security and Silencing the Opposition."

* Maggie's Notebook, "
AMERICAN LEGION: An Open Letter to Homeland Security ..."

* Mark Goluskin, "
Of Tea Parties ..."

* Michelle Malkin, "
Tracking the Tea Party crashers."

* The Next Right, "
The Tea Party protests."

* Political Pistachio, "
The Shadow Gallery."

* Power Line, "
Watch Out For Those Crazy Right Wingers!"

* Pundit & Pundette, "
David Shuster outdoes himself."

* Red State, "
Obama ... Veterans, Pro-Lifers, Gun Enthusiasts ... are “Right Wing Extremists”."

* The Rhetorican, "
Attack of the Anti-Tea Party Attack Poodles."

* Roger L. Simon, "
Tea Party Derangement Syndrome - it’s here!

* Tygrrrr Express, "
Events, Announcements, and Link Love."

UPDATE II: From Dave at Point of a Gun: "
I Am Going For The Pulled Pork Sandwiches And The Protests."

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