Friday, April 24, 2009

How to Get a Blogger Content Warning

JBW at Brain Rage provides the reference to Alexander the Gay's blog, which has been flagged by Blogger with a "Content Warning", "despite 3 years plus of blogging with family in mind":

You can find some of Aexander's "family blogging" here.

No doubt that
Big Boy Alex and his "fat" friends enjoy the full support of not only JBW, but also DLB, Dr. Biobrain, Capt. Fogg, (O)CT(O)PUS, Repsac3, Tim Gaskill, Truth101, and Libby Spencer! (All of the aformentioned are "followers" and allies of Andrew Sullivan, that paragon of moral virture!)

Oh, recall
Perez Hilton saying gay marriage equality is all about family!

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