Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Newt Gingrich on the Tea Party Movement

Here's Newt Gingrich's comments from Human Events, via Memeorandum:

Liberal politicians and pundits did their best to discredit the Tea Parties by describing them, first, as a partisan Republican movement, and, second, as a revolt of greedy rich people who don’t want to pay more income tax.

But as ... anyone who went to a Tea Party with an open mind would have seen as well - the Tea Parties were not essentially Republican. People were as disgusted with big spending under President Bush as they are opposed to big spending under President Obama. This was a powerful movement of Americans fed up with the irresponsible politicians of both parties. In most cities they did not have a politician speaking. In some places, politicians were barred from speaking and forced to listen.
See also, Glenn Reynolds, "TEA PARTY RESULTS IN RHODE ISLAND ..."

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