Thursday, April 23, 2009

What is the Definition of Marriage?

Here's the video from the exchange between Perez Hilton and Dennis Prager on CNN's Larry King Live. As noted at Political Vindication, "This one’s not really a contest from the get go ... Prager has command of the issue while Hilton looks a bit like a minor leaguer getting his first start in the majors":

Prager exclaims:

Every religious and nonreligious tradition, every major moral thinker in history, not one of them in any tradition has ever advocated for changing the definition of marriage to same sex.
And he also says:

I want gays to have every right. However, redefining marriage is not called for.
That's the key point, by the way. Not simply "civil rights" (which gays enjoy), but the interchangeability of language. Prager hammers Hilton on precisely this issue, and he held himself up quite well; while Hilton responded with same stale talking points from radical gay marriage ayatollahs.

Anyway, as
I've blogged the gay marriage debate endlessly for months, let me link to what others are saying:

Laura from
Pursuing Holiness is debating Robert Stacy McCain at The Green Room. See, respectively, "Let Gays Have Marriage; We’re Not Using It," and "‘Forbidding to Marry’ (Reply to Laura)."

Cynthia Yockey's commenting on the indomitable Jean Prejean, and she links to Becky C.'s essay, "The Essential Republican Gay Strategy" (note that this blog was flagged with a Blogger content warning, perhaps for Becky's post, "A Gay and Libertarian Republican Restoration "). Click through to some of these posts for a glimpse into the Meghan McCain program of "Twenty-First Century Conservatism," which, frankly, I can do without.

Also, check out
Little Miss Attila's thoughtful post, "Okay. Gay Rights, Gay Marriage," and the link to Darleen Click's post, "Thought Crime" (on the Hilton/Prager exchange).

Also, with reference to Perez Hilton's argument that interracial couples previously couldn't marry, see my early post, "
Gay Marriage is Not a Civil Right."

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