Saturday, April 18, 2009

Congressman J. Gresham Barrett Booed at Greenville Tea Party

Here's the video from Greenville, South Carolina, where Congressman J. Gresham Barrett was booed:

See also, Michelle Malkin, "Another Republican booed by Tea Party protesters":

At the Greenville SC Tea Party last night, via Palmetto Scoop, an estimated 3,000 people booed and heckled GOP Rep. Gresham Barrett, who supported both the trillion-dollar TARP and now supports the trillion-dollar porkulus package. The crowd blew air horns as he tried to speak. Do you think the politicians are getting the message yet? And do you think someone in the MSM might grow up, stop wallowing in sexual teabagging jokes, and report these newsworthy developments? The anger at reckless spenders in Washington is palpable, deep-seated, bipartisan, nationwide, and not going away ...
And about those "teabagging jokes, "Nihilist Noon over at Lawers, Gays and Marriage* is taking Scott at Power Line to task for "his ineptitude with the spell checker" and his "apparent inability to use the intertubes to find stuff out." And that reference to the "intertubes" would be for Urban Dictionary's entry for "Teabagger," where it says:

Teabaggers do not feel it is their responsibility to provide for the lazy socialist liberals who pollute our great country.
Yep, that sounds about right! Thanks Buttercup!

* See, "
David Hoogland Noon, Abominable Academic Wretch."

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