Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ACORN Video San Diego: Housing Official Solicits Hannah Giles!

The hat tip goes to The Rhetorican, "NEW ACORN VIDEO: San Diego":

But see AOSHQ, "Vid of Creepy ACORN Guy Soliciting Hannah, Asking How He Can Help Smuggle Girls Across Border":

Let's Recap: In all five offices, ACORN officials sought to help out a prostitute. Fine, let's let that slide.

In five offices, ACORN officials sought to help out a prostitute who told them she was bringing around a dozen girls 13-15 years old into the country to be sex slaves.

In four of the offices (and maybe the fifth, we don't know yet), various methods of tax evasion or false statements on tax filings were encouraged by the ACORN staff.

In one of the offices, a tweaker seemed interested in leaving ACORN to come help out at the underage child sex slave brothel.

In one of the offices, a creepy guy told Hannah he had "connections" in Tijuana which might be useful for smuggling 13-15 year old sex slaves across the border.

He also solicited Hannah for sex. People are blowing this off as no big deal. I think it is. Because the reason I think he was offering to help smuggle child sex slaves across the border is he wanted to have sex with Hannah, and he figured that was his in.

So: In all five offices -- which are official federal "partners" with the IRS, being paid to help low-income people file taxes -- ACORN provided advice chiefly amounting to tax fraud or evasion and in several cases offered assistance in running a child sex slave brothel.

Five for five.
More at the link, and Memeorandum.

Allahpundit's also on the case, and snarks, "
You’re all modern-day McCarthyites for watching this. You know that, right?"

More snark from
Darleen Click, "The White House is starting to nudge ACORN under the bus. No word yet if Charlie Gibson has figured out what ACORN is.

See also, Big Government, "
It’s Not Just ACORN; SEIU’s Underage Sex Scandal."

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