Thursday, September 17, 2009

Panoramic Image of 9/12 March Makes Leftists Look Like Idiots

I first saw this over at The Rhetorican, "Panoramic View of the 9/12 March."

The full image is here, care of and Memeorandum.

Nice Deb has the discussion, "
70,000 Tops, Right Nutroots?":

iOWNTHEWORLD’s Mr Pinko obtained this photo from Freedomworks photographer, Michael A. Beck, who was offered a rare opportunity to photograph the massive gathering of patriots on 9/12.

This is a RARE photo of the 9/12 Rally taken in extreme High Resolution from atop the Capitol Building. Mr. Beck was personally escorted to this rare vantage point by a congressman who will remain anonymous. This panoramic view offers the viewer documentation of the epic scale of this peaceful demonstration of democracy in action.
The main netroots freaks are at Media Matters. See, "Beck, Limbaugh Run Wild With Estimates on Size of 9/12 Protests." And while 2 million sounds higly inflated, pictures such as that above, the time-elapsed photos, as well as the traffic-camera photo and the one massive crowd shot by Mary Katherine Ham, all make the claim that just "70,000" attended look patently stupid.

London's Daily Mail strikes a reasonable line here, "
A Million March to US Capitol to Protest Against 'Obama the Socialist'":

As many as one million people flooded into for a massive rally organised by conservatives claiming that President Obama is driving towards socialism.

The size of the crowd - by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January - shocked the White House.
The key phrase there is "as many as one million people" flooded the mall. The available images and sophtisticated analytical reports confirm those estimates.

For a full analysis, see Charlie Martin, "More 9/12 Crowd Data: Yeah, It Was Big: The Latest Sourced Information on the 9/12 Crowd Points to a Lower Bound of at Least Half a Million."

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