Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Battle Within the Tea Party Movement? Roger Ogden Responds

Roger Ogden, the Meetup Organizer of the San Diego Tea Party, has accepted my offer to respond to my entry from last night, "A Battle Within? Emerging Divisions in the Tea Party Movement." Roger submitted the following essay, unedited, along with the videos:


This is a response to a post by Donald Douglas on American Power Blog on December 8, 2009. I am the organizer of a meetup group in San Diego, “Stop Obama Now”. My members are encouraged to fully exercise their freedom of expression at protests. No one has a monopoly on the truth or good ideas. No one is responsible at our protests for the opinions of some other individuals. We let everyone express their opinion and expect that the truth will prevail. I have also found that attendance is better and our protests are livelier and more energetic, when people have no arbitrary limits placed on them and they can express their own opinions without being censored. Attempts to limit what people can express stifle legitimate protest. Below is a clip of our protest against media bias at NBC studios in San Diego.

Black Liberation Theology is a racist, would-be state religion, whose central religious tenets involve the destiny of the black race and the fate of the white race and America. James H. Cone was the first to canonize the religious doctrine of Black Liberation Theology. Cones first two books are “Black Theology and Black Power” (1969) and “A Black Theology of Liberation” (1970). Some blacks consider Cone’s books to be scripture. According to a public statement of Obama’s self-described “spiritual guide”, Jeremiah Wright, this is the doctrine of Trinity United Church of Christ, which was Obama’s church for twenty years. Many will find the theology described in these books to be very shocking and disturbing. The doctrine can be described as a racist black identity religion that holds the black race to be morally superior, the “Chosen People” and god-like. The white race is held to be satanic or a manifestation of the Antichrist. The theology prophesies that a “Messiah” will arise from the black race, who will be an ordinary man. Cone admits in his own words in the preface of the book that:

“A Black Theology of Liberation has often been rejected as racism in reverse by many whites, particularly theologians … Father Andrew M. Greeley referred to my (Cone’s) perspective on black theology as a “Nazi mentality, a theology filled with hatred for white people and the assumption of a moral superiority of black over white.”

(Andrew M. Greeley is a well-known Catholic sociologist and popular author.)

Black Liberation Theology is more, however, than just a Nazi-mentality. It has distinct parallels to Nazism in its black supremacy and teachings of a divine mission of the black race to destroy the white race and to dominate the world. See the clip below for a relevant interview of Wright and many quotes from the foundation books on Black Liberation Theology by James H. Cone

The racism of Black Liberation Theology is similar to a reverse version of a theology developed by the Nazis, ironically called “Positives Christentum” (Positive Christianity). The Nazi “Christian Identity” movement still uses a similar doctrine in the United States. In the Nazi doctrine, the Aryan race is the manifestation of God and the Jewish/non-white races are satanic and/or the Antichrist. Jesus is a messianic revolutionary, fighting to liberate the Aryan race from oppression by non-Aryans. The teachings of Black Liberation Theology are similar, but racially reversed as described above.

Black Liberation Theology is based largely on the theology of the Black Nationalist group, the Nation of Islam, and is similar to that of other Black Nationalist sects, some of which are full-blown Manson-like, racist cults that worship their leaders and that have in the past carried out mass murders of whites and black opponents or non-believers. The Nazi-like characteristics of some of these related groups have been noted and reported in the past.

Since Obama was a member of the inner circle of a group, having a Nazi-like racial doctrine, the comparisons between Obama and Hitler/Nazism/Fascism are perfectly justified and legitimate. The public does not understand that Obama’s church has such a racially supremacist doctrine, because the media refuse to report it and politicians will not discuss it. Politicians, such as John McCain, are trying to be "nice guys" and not talk about it. Such people value their reputation more than they are concerned about what happens to America, even though McCain’s hypocritical slogan was putting America first. McCain put his politically-correct reputation first and his political derrière first. That is why I am so discouraged and disgusted with the leadership of the Republican Party. They seem to be able to imagine no greater evil than to have their taxes increased. I believe that there is a serious problem with both political parties. They are like two fraternities that compete, but try to maintain the limits of fraternal, gentlemanly civility. They care more about the political power of their party than they care about our country or what happens to ordinary Americans. They will not attack each other beyond certain limits, even if the fate of the Nation depends on it. George Washington warned Americans about exactly this type of political factionalism in his farewell address to the American public.

It has been said that in times of deception the truth is subversive. In our group, we intend to protect our constitutional rights by vigorously exercising those rights, not by toeing the party line of self-appointed commissars of the so-called Tea Party Movement, corrupt politicians or the politically-correct lapdog media. I will continue to compare Obama to Hitler, regardless of what anyone thinks and in spite of any attempts to smear my reputation, by slandering me as an “extremist.” I urge other Tea Partiers across the nation to do the same as a form of protest of the fact that the lapdog media has never fully explained to the country the racist and bigoted Black Nationalist doctrine of Obama’s church, which prophesies that the black race will produce a “Messiah” who will subjugate America and lead in her destruction by “any means necessary,” if Americans do not submit to their own enslavement. So far, the actions of the Obama administration are not inconsistent with what might be expected as initial steps in an attempt to implement this perverse religious doctrine by corrupting American democracy and subjugating the American people to a all-powerful central government that no longer recognizes constitutional bounds, nor the will of the American People.

What is proposed here is not a conspiracy theory, but that any person who practiced such a cult-like, hateful religion for twenty years is not trustworthy and therefore should not be allowed to hold an office of very high trust, such as the American presidency.

Roger Ogden
Stop Obama Now, San Diego

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