Friday, December 4, 2009

Carly 'Golden Parachute' Fiorina Makes Pitch for Campaign Contributions

Just got this finance pitch in my inbox, from Carly Fiorina's campaign:

Not interested, of course. Recall Michelle Malkin's earlier entry, "Carly Fiorina channels Dede Scozzafava, wields race/gender card against conservative rival."

Don't give this woman money, obviously. Not only is she RINO,
she doesn't need the cash:
Fiorina’s personal wealth means that she can fight Boxer dollar for dollar in a state where money (and the television ads it buys) is absolutely critical.
Recall Ms. Fiorina's golden parachute from Hewlett-Packard in 2005, "Carly may get $42 million: Severance of $21.4M excludes another $21M in options, restricted stock and pension."

Fiorina's payout was a troubling issue during John McCain's campaign last year, "
McCain Economic Adviser Carly Fiorina's Golden Parachute" (and for Sarah Palin too, who spoke the McCain party line about reforming Wall Street).

Check out
Chuck Devore's home page instead. This guy's a conservative!

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