It's not about hope, of course, it's about power.
At the Washington Post, "Obama administration will formally declare danger of carbon emissions." And from The Hill, "EPA's 'Endangerment finding' Expected Today":
EPA is expected to issue a formal finding today that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare, which sets the stage for the agency to regulate the emissions under its existing power.It's all about power.
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson will make a “significant” announcement on climate change early this afternoon, according to EPA.
The Obama administration is pressing for a new law that would establish a cap-and-trade system to curb emissions from power plants and scores of other sources.
But the administration has also warned that it plans to move ahead with EPA rules absent a final bill. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is urging GOP colleagues to back an emissions bill in part because Congress, not EPA, should decide the contours of a national emissions program.
The so-called endangerment finding stems from a major 2007 Supreme Court decision that enables EPA to limit the emissions if it finds that greenhouses gases are indeed a danger. The agency issued a preliminary finding in April.
The EPA announcement could also give U.S. negotiators more leverage at the international climate talks in Copenhagen that begin today, demonstrating domestic action even though Congress has not completed a final bill to curb emissions.
Michelle Malkin has more:
Eco-czars of the Obama administration, activate!See my previous entry as well, "People Before Profits? State Interests Top Agenda at Copenhagen."
Form of…a corrupted “scientific” finding on greenhouse gas “public endangerment.”
Timed for maximum impact on the Copenhagen global warming treaty talks, the Obama EPA is set to announce that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare, paving the way for the green bureaucrats to radically regulate emissions.
Keeping an open mind about dissenting researchers? Listening to input from the Hill? Screw them ...
More at Memeorandum.
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