Saturday, December 5, 2009

New York Times Shills for Climate Change Industry

The New York Times puts yet another nail in its coffin, "That Climate Change E-Mail":

The theft of thousands of private e-mail messages and files from computer servers at a leading British climate research center has been a political windfall for skeptics who claim the documents prove that mainstream scientists have conspired to overstate the case for human influence on climate change.

They are using the e-mail to blast the Obama administration’s climate policies. And they clearly hope that the e-mail will undermine negotiations for a new climate change treaty that begin in Copenhagen this week.

No one should be misled by all the noise. The e-mail messages represent years’ worth of exchanges among prominent American and British climatologists. Some are mean-spirited, others intemperate. But they don’t change the underlying scientific facts about climate change.

Folks should read this long piece at Climate Depot, "
Climategate Professor to Skeptic on Live BBC TV: ‘What an Assh*le’." (Via.)

The fallout for the climate hucksters is so bad that it's doubtful "science" itself can recovery. See Mark Steyn, "
The ‘science’ of global warming: These leaked documents reveal the greatest scientific scandal of our times—and a tragedy."

Image Credit: Voting Female Speaks!, "
Climategate bigger than Watergate; Al Gore’s Credibility is Permanently Destroyed."

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