Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No Christmas Presents for Malia and Sasha Obama: White House Nativity Scene Almost Got the Boot!

President and Mrs. Barack Obama do not give traditional Christmas gifts to their children. The Politico ran the story during last year's campaign, "Obama Leaves the Gifting to Santa":

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) tells People magazine in the issue out Friday that he and his wife, Michelle, do not give Christmas or birthday presents to their two young daughters.
But on top of that, a story on Crashergate's Desiree Rogers indicates that the First Family was pushing for a "non-religious Christmas," but relented during internal debates on whether to display the holiday crèche (nativity scene) in the East Room at the White House.

See also, "No Christmas Presents for the Obama Kids this Year":

Unlike almost all Americans—including atheists—the Obamas do not give their children Christmas gifts. We know this because Barack bragged about this last year to People magazine. So it should come as no big surprise that he and his wife would like to neuter Christmas in the White House. That’s their natural step—to ban the public display of Christian symbols. Have any doubts?

Last April, Georgetown University was ordered to put a drape over the name of Jesus as a condition of the president speaking there.

If the Obamas want to deprive their children of celebrating Christmas, that is their business. It is the business of the public to hold them accountable for the way they celebrate Christmas in the White House. We know one thing for sure: no other administration ever entertained internal discussions on whether to display a nativity scene in the White House.
Image Credit: Atlas Shrugs, "Obama's 'Non-Religious' White House Christmas and No Christmas Gifts for his Kids."

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