Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tea Party America's Christmas Wish List: 'Kiss My Astroturf' - STOP Health-Care Take-Over, and More!!

Following up on my post from last night, I first want to thank those who've linked: The Astute Bloggers, Doug Ross, Nice Deb, Pat in Shreveport, and Voting Female Speaks! (I'll update with additional links as they come in --- ADDED: Reaganite Republican and Lonely Conservative.)

Okay, thinking about it now, it turns out I've saved the best for last. The pics are in chronological order, but some of my favorites below are the "Kiss My Astroturf" sign, and "HELP WANTED: HARD-WORKING AMERICAN CZAR," the "X-MAS WISH-LIST," and "FREE-MARKETS NOT FREE-LOADERS."

Plus, it turns out that TEA PARTY: The Documentary Film premiered in Washington, D.C., December 2nd. My good friend
Robert Stacy McCain attended the event, and published his thoughts at American Spectator, "Can You Hear Us Now?" (and, Be John Galt has the film's trailer, "'Liberty’s March Has A New Generation Of Patriots'.")

Also, I need to post a sincere apology here to Roger Ogden,
Meetup Organizer of the San Diego Tea Party. Roger is NOT a LaRouchie, and I wrongly inferred at my report last night. And that's Roger's street map of the Irvine Hilton and MacArthur Boulevard. That said, I don't take back my comments about Roger's Obama/Nazi signs, but free speech is a good thing, and we can disagree about that. A BIG THANKS to Roger and his work in organizing the San Diego tea parties.

In any case, I'll update later, so folks can drop any links in the comments and I'll add those ...

UPDATE: Linked at AUP 2, "A Tea Partyer's CHRISTMAS Wishlist and MUCH More!"

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