Friday, January 1, 2010

Change Coming in 2010 Elections

I missed this graphic last night, at my post, "Republicans Poised for Strong Comeback in 2010." The magic numbers are 40 seats in the House and 11 in the Senate. The GOP's going to need a 1994-like showing:

And this gives me a chance to post the comment there, from Reaganite Republican:
The Dems face annihilation in 2010, IMHO - and won't be trusted with the purse strings again for decades, if ever.

ObamaCare is still far from a done-deal, and regardless the political damage is done.

Cap-n-tax? With the evidence looking weak lately, Obama’s own #s tanking … and 11% unemployment? Small wonder Dems are asking him to 86 the bill already.

The only major legislation enacted then would be the wholly-ineffective Porkulus. Obama has NO political cover on that one, due to the paucity of GOP collaborators- he owns it. All it will ever stimulate is inflation… in the months leading right-up to midterms.

The Democrats look to face a bloodbath next fall, with some like Dick Morris predicting a 100+ seat loss on the Hill.

By 2012, most people will wince at the very mention of the name “Obama” - and the GOP could take 40 states running Gilbert Gottfried -

Party’s over kiddies- time to put the grown-ups back in charge ...
See also Reaganite's cartoon roundup from yesterday, "Laughing-Off 2009... a Weird One by ANY Measure."

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